Problem-Based Learning Tutor Training Workshop

For Clinical Teachers


Friday, 12 August, 2005

9.30am - 4.00pm

Symposium Rooms, Clinical Research Centre

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine




9.30 am   Registration & Tea
10.00 am   Welcome by Associate Professor Khoo Hoon Eng
Chairman, PBL Committee
10.05 am   Address by Vice Dean, School of Medicine
Associate Professor Koh Dow Rhoon
10.10 am   PBL: What? How? Why?
Professor Matthew Gwee
10.40 am   PBL in Action: 1. Let's See How It's Done
Demonstration: PBL Session I(Dr Zubair Amin)
11.30 am   Q & A
11.45 am   PBL in Action: 2. Let's Try It Together
Practice: Session I (Associate Professor Khoo Hoon Eng)
Group Work
12.45 pm   Lunch
1.45 pm   The PBL Process & Let's Reflect (Associate Professor Khoo Hoon Eng)
2.30 pm   Group Discussion
(a) Task I: Role of Tutor and of Students
(Associate Professor Khoo Hoon Eng)
(b) Task II: Use of Small Learning Groups(Professor Matthew Gwee)
(c) Task III: Assessment(Dr Zubair Amin)
(d) Task IV: Feedback(Associate Professor Tan Chay Hoon)
3.15 pm   Presentation by Group Representatives
3.45 pm   Summing Up/Feedback Questionnaire
Professor Matthew Gwee
4.00 pm   Presentation of Certificates
Closing Remarks

Associate Professor Koh Dow Rhoon